Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I mean....really, what am I doing? I'd been toying around with the idea of a blog for awhile. I've been talking to people and trying to feel them out. I mean, realistically, who am I to blog about health and fitness? I'm pretty average.....I get up and go to work every day, try to make decent choices about food and hopefully squeeze in a workout most days. And that apparently is why I should blog....because I'm no better than you so why not put it out there and at least if you're in the same boat you'll know you're not the only one!

I like to work out, I really do. There is something satisfying about working up a sweat! I've always wanted to be a fit girl. Although what is fit? Over the years I've had several thoughts about what fit looks like. Is it the long lean runner?

Or is it the beautifully poised and centered yogi?

Or is it the amazing women of Crossfit?

At some point I've wished to look like each of these women because I thought that's what "fit" looked like. Well here I am, years into my "fitness journey" resembling none of these women. I've been frustrated, I've cried, I've had breakdowns, more conversations with my bestie, my coach, my trainer, my mom, my brother, etc about what I need to do to be one of these women. I don't have any of the answers. I'm still figuring it out. As I said before, I'm just trying to take it one day at a time making better choices than the day before. So here goes nothing....time to see where this road goes!

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