About Your Girls

Who are we?
Good question! We're best friends of over 7 years that both have the same struggle with being fit! We've spent countless hours talking, making plans, working out and crying over this topic!


I am, what I feel like is a normal 32 year old woman. I've always enjoyed being active but this journey really started for me about 3 years ago when I was going through a terrible divorce. I was asked "what 3 words would you want people to use to describe your life?" Without much thinking my answer was "joyful, balanced and healthy". At the time I wasn't any of those things so my journey to be those things began.


I am 29 years old (30 in October 2014) and I am just trying to be healthy and do what's best for me.  For a long time I put my needs and even my health on the back burner for others.  Now is the time that I am turning my life around and putting me first.  In a past, unhealthy relationship, I let my weight get WAY out of control, gaining almost 70 pounds.  Little by little, I have lost it, but I am still not back to where I originally started and I still feel like I want to be tighter and more toned.  This will be my journey on getting fit and I hope to help others along the way!